
Release date: 26-05-2023

Wake of Dawn completed their debut EP, titled “Brinicles,” with the release of their latest track, “EGO,” on May 26th. While relatively new to the Dutch metal scene, this band has already gained a lot of attention for their track, “Nightlights.” Let’s see what these four young guys have to say. 

Wake of Dawn

Wake of Dawn started when Gene and Sietse first met. Gene had already made a name for himself with Distant and with To Heaven, Earth is Hell. Sietse has since been releasing tracks on his own and with Crisis Theory as well. Joined by brothers Bob and Bram, they started Wake of Dawn. Utilizing the lockdown period to their advantage, they started working on the tracks that are now available across various streaming platforms. Influenced by Northlane, Architects, and Spiritbox, the band combines metal and EDM to deliver an intense live show with a powerful message.


The aim for Brinicles was to introduce their unique (at least in the Dutch metal scene) blend of EDM and metal. By delving into their thoughts and fears, the band aims to offer solace to those trapped in chasing their dreams, reminding them that they are not alone.  That message is clearly heard in EGO, which takes listeners on a journey through the thoughts and emotions sparked by FOMO and the weight of online opinions. The raw emotions associated with these experiences find expression in both the music and lyrics. While the lyrics suggest social media might be that great, (“I’m being watched by the people, They judge, a deadly dose. Is what I do not enough?”), Wake of Dawn is rapidly accumulating followers, with their initial track “Nightlights” already at over 2000 plays on Spotify.

About the music

EGO is heavily layered with synths, and would to my ears qualify as metalcore, however, I suck at labeling genres. Groovy lines, breakdowns, dreamy vocal melodies, synth lines, heavy guitars. That kinda music. It’s a very emotional track, mid-paced, and more mainstream almost than the previously released Nightlights. That track opens with heavy guitars and screams and turns into a catchy electro-party-vibe chorus which is probably one of the reasons why this track has the most plays on Spotify out of the five. 

Wanderlust is a totally different track, more similar to EGO again with the clean melodic vocals and a more mellow vibe. The emotions are even stronger with this track and I really like the multiple vocal layers in the second chorus. 

Sword of Damocles starts with an electronic intro, and the following guitar sounds very ominous, fitting the track title. The Latin choir after the first verse only adds to that ominous vibe. I’m not sure how the lyrics fit the track title, but the influence of blue lights keeping us awake is a necessary message. 

Sad Nostalgia, the closing track on the EP, unfortunately, falls a bit short for me. While I liked the clean vocals throughout the EP, they don’t seem to blend as nicely on this track. I found that the combination worked better when layered with screams, reminiscent of the second chorus in Wanderlust. Nevertheless, Sad Nostalgia will probably appeal to a larger audience due to its accessibility. It has Muse-like vibes until reaching an end-of-track bridge, which, in my opinion, is unnecessary. Perhaps more consideration could have been given to this track before including it on the EP, as it is significantly different from the rest of the tracks.

Final thoughts

Brinicles by Wake of Dawn is a nice break from the death, black, and thrash releases in the Netherlands The tracks are well produced, although I believe that Sad Nostalgia could have benefited from further review. If you are into metalcore or djent, you are going to enjoy this. Personally, my favorite track remains Nightlights, so I recommend starting there, gradually immersing yourself in the rest of the EP, and forming your own judgment on Sad Nostalgia. 


  1. EGO
  2. Nightlights
  3. Wanderlust
  4. Sword of Damocles
  5. Sad Nostalgia

You can find Wake of Dawn on Facebook. Or at their bandpage in our database.

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