Docs Metal Massacre I

24/02/2024 at Willemeen
Bands playing:
Von Mollestein
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Von Mollestein, Frontline Despair, Veenlijk en Asgrauw

13/04/2024 at Cafe De Meister
Bands playing:
Asgrauw, Von Mollestein
Other bands
Frontline Despair, Veenlijk


14/04/2024 at De Pul
Bands playing:
Von Mollestein
Other bands

Gogmagore EP Release

06/04/2024 at Plug Unit
Bands playing:
Von Mollestein
Other bands

Move Your SkeletonFest

08/06/2024 at Innocent
Bands playing:
Von Mollestein
Other bands
Caedere, The Lucifer Principle


19/10/2024 at OJV Koornbeurs
Bands playing:
Von Mollestein
Other bands

Von Mollestein

02/11/2024 at Cafe de Opstand
Bands playing:
Von Mollestein, Razernij, Serotonin
Other bands

HALLOWEEN: Von Mollestein + Do Me + Swamp Fire

26/10/2024 at JC Cerberus
Bands playing:
Do Me, Von Mollestein
Other bands
Swamp Fire

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MetalFromNL is a passion project started by Nicky van der Schaaf. Currently we work with volunteers to grow our platform. 

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Still a work in progress!