Insurrection, a dutch melodic death metal band, performed live at Metalcafe Live in Hilversum on the 4th of October. Check the pictures below.
Category: Photo
Nephylim opende afgelopen weekend de stage voor High Parasite in Effenaar, Eindhoven. Seth was erbij om foto’s te maken. Hou de socials van Nephylim in de gaten, want deze band komt binnenkort met een nieuw album!
Vind Nephylim in onze banddatabase. Of check het interview wat we met de band hebben gedaan.
Death Moth @ B3
Nafearya @ B3
Date: 14.08.2024
Wednesday the 14th of August, Musicon welcomed German thrash metal band Exumer to the stage. Exumer brought along some friends, to complete the thrash metal-filled night. We were of course excited to see Headless Hunter on that bill. Seth was there to take some pictures. Check out her photography skills below.
Headless Hunter
Cerebral Invasion + Lark