- Hedon Zwaar NieuwJaar 2025
Gelukkig nieuwjaar! Op zaterdag 4 januari trapte Hedon Zwaar het nieuwe metal jaar af met een zeer druk bezochte nieuwjaarsborrel met als titel Hedon Zwaar NieuwJaar. Met een dikke line-up van Nederlandse en internationale acts was dit een mooie start van 2025. Wij waren er (een deel van de avond) bij en maakte wat foto’s. Voor de foto’s, scroll naar beneden HESKEN HESKEN heeft een bewogen jaar achter de rug met het uitkomen van hun plaat Architect of Chaos en het vertrek van de drummer. Het vinden van een nieuwe drummer die hun muziek aankan heeft even geduurd. Inmiddels is…
Read more: Hedon Zwaar NieuwJaar 2025
- Tenuem, No Kings Allowed & Loyalty Ends Here in het Slachthuis (14.12.2024)
Zaterdag 14 december speelden Loyalty Ends Here, Tenuem en No Kings Allowed in het slachthuis in Haarlem. Waar het een aantal weken geleden voor de EP release van Ecocide bomvol stond, was het deze avond iets minder vol. Dat had er ongetwijfeld mee te maken dat er veel meer metal te beleven was dit weeken, onder andere in Eindhoven tijdens Eindhoven Metal Meeting. Voor degene die er niet bij was; je hebt wel echt wat gemist. No Kings Allowed zou op 20 December in Belgie hun eerste gig ooit spelen, maar deze gig in Haarlem kwam er toevallig voor. Mazzel…
Read more: Tenuem, No Kings Allowed & Loyalty Ends Here in het Slachthuis (14.12.2024)
- NH Metalfest SE – 23.11.2024
Het verjaardagsfeestje van 35 jaar Zaanse deathmetal. Je zou bijna denken dat de Zaanstreek de belangrijkste bakermat is voor de Nederlandse deathmetal scene, als je ziet (en vooral hoort) hoeveel death metal er uit deze regio komt. Voor de laatste editie van NH Metalfest stonden maar liefst 5 deathmetal bands uit de regio op het podium. Een groot familiefeest, waar vooral heel veel overlap in de bands zit en de vriendschap onderlin van het podium spat. Wij waren er op deze regenachtige zaterdagavond bij om te kijken bij dit familiefeestje. Voor de foto’s scroll down. Dennis Jak, organisator van NH…
Read more: NH Metalfest SE – 23.11.2024
- Ecocide – Of Endless Decay release party 09.11.2024
Op 9 november lanceerde Ecocide hun EP ‘Of Endless Decay’ in het Slachthuis, Haarlem. Check out de foto’s die onze fotograaf Rodhni heeft gemaakt!
- Changing Tides @ 013, Tilburg 10.11.2024
Changing Tides was zondag 10 november weer terug in 013. In 2022 stond de Nederlandse metal/deathcore band uit Noord-Brabant al eens in de Tilburgse zaal. Toen deed de 5-koppige band hun release show van hun eerste album ”Impair the Vision”. Nu staan ze er na 1,5 jaar weer met een release show, maar dan van hun tweede album: ‘Amidst the Gray’ dat begin november uit is gekomen. Voor de release show zijn hun vrienden uit de scene Deeproot, Knives to a Gunfight en Sugar Spine aanwezig om er een feestje van te maken. Check hier de foto’s van Changing Tides
- Sugar Spine @013, Tilburg 10.11.2024
Changing Tides was zondag 10 november weer terug in 013. In 2022 stond de Nederlandse metal/deathcore band uit Noord-Brabant al eens in de Tilburgse zaal. Toen deed de 5-koppige band hun release show van hun eerste album ”Impair the Vision”. Nu staan ze er na 1,5 jaar weer met een release show, maar dan van hun tweede album: ‘Amidst the Gray’ dat begin november uit is gekomen. Voor de release show zijn hun vrienden uit de scene Deeproot, Knives to a Gunfight en Sugar Spine aanwezig om er een feestje van te maken. Check hier de foto’s van Sugar Spine.
- DEEPROOT @ 013, 10.11.2024
Changing Tides was zondag 10 november weer terug in 013. In 2022 stond de Nederlandse metal/deathcore band uit Noord-Brabant al eens in de Tilburgse zaal. Toen deed de 5-koppige band hun release show van hun eerste album ”Impair the Vision”. Nu staan ze er na 1,5 jaar weer met een release show, maar dan van hun tweede album: ‘Amidst the Gray’ dat begin november uit is gekomen. Voor de release show zijn hun vrienden uit de scene Deeproot, Knives to a Gunfight en Sugar Spine aanwezig om er een feestje van te maken. Check hier de foto’s van DEEPROOT
- Horizon Tide live @ The Cave
- Metal in Sounddog (Howlett, Between the Rats and Snakes, Rising Tide and Blood of Kings
Afgelopen vrijdag stonden Howlett, Between the Rats and Snakes, Rising Tide en Blood of Kings in Sounddog Breda. Onze fotograaf Seth was erbij om foto’s te maken. Check meer van Seth’s fotos via instagram.
- Downcast Collision @ Metalcafe Live
Downcast Collision opened the stage in Hilversum on the 4th of October when they played metalcafe live. Check out the pictures below.
- Axis Mundi live @ Metalcafe Live
Axis Mundi played the Vorstin during Metalcafe Live on October 4th. Check the pictures below.
- Insurrection @ Metalcafe Live
Insurrection, a dutch melodic death metal band, performed live at Metalcafe Live in Hilversum on the 4th of October. Check the pictures below.
- Nephylim live @ Effenaar
Nephylim opende afgelopen weekend de stage voor High Parasite in Effenaar, Eindhoven. Seth was erbij om foto’s te maken. Hou de socials van Nephylim in de gaten, want deze band komt binnenkort met een nieuw album! Vind Nephylim in onze banddatabase. Of check het interview wat we met de band hebben gedaan.
- Death Moth @ B3
- Nafearya @ B3
- Frontline Despair
Frontline Despair, a black metal band that takes inspiration from World War II, opened the night at B3 on Saturday the 7th of September. Check out some pictures of their performance.
- Gallamesh live at Patronaat 27.08.2024
- Born of Osiris live @Patronaat 27.08.2024
Some pictures of Born of Osiris live in Patronaat.
- Distant Live @Patronaat, Haarlem on 27.08.2024
The first few pictures from Distant’s performance in Patronaat, opening for Born of Osiris together with Gallamesh. More pictures and a full report will follow later!
- Headless Hunter, Exumer, Hirax, Cerebral Invasion, Lark – Live at Musicon
Date: 14.08.2024 Wednesday the 14th of August, Musicon welcomed German thrash metal band Exumer to the stage. Exumer brought along some friends, to complete the thrash metal-filled night. We were of course excited to see Headless Hunter on that bill. Seth was there to take some pictures. Check out her photography skills below. Headless Hunter Exumer Hirax Cerebral Invasion + Lark
- Pandora’s Key live @ The Cave
We loved their album last year, but it’s even better live! Check out some pictures from Pandora’s Key, live at Rockclub the Cave
- Thoughtless live @ The Cave
Thoughtless had to cut their performance at Rockclub The Cave short due to technical issues, so we didn’t get to take that many pictures. Here are the few that we liked.
- Myth of Origin live @ The Cave
Below are the pictures of Myth of Origins live performance at Rockclub the Cave on July 26th
- Metalheads @ Into the Grave (part 2)
The Into The Grave festival is a small metal festival at a unique location, in the middle of Leeuwarden. With two stages there is plenty of room to discover new metal bands, besides the obvious headliners. This year the festival was held from June 7th to June 9th. MetalFromNL was there to make a report and take pictures. See if we captured your metalhead spirit! Photos by Jose Fereira (@foto.morfose)
- Metalheads @ Into The Grave (part 1)
The Into The Grave festival is a small metal festival at a unique location, in the middle of Leeuwarden. With two stages there is plenty of room to discover new metal bands, besides the obvious headliners. This year the festival was held from June 7th to June 9th. MetalFromNL was there to make a report and take pictures. See if we captured your metalhead spirit! Photos by Jose Fereira (@foto.morfose)
- Nephylim live @ Into The Grave (07.06.2024)
English below De heren van Nephylim (Melodic Death metal) openen de Reaper stage op vrijdag. Ze werden aangekondigd met het feitje dat ze niet meer samen gespeeld hebben sinds februari. Hier is echter niks van te merken! Ze beginnen hun show ook meteen sterk door tegelijkertijd te headbangen. Het zijn echte showmensen op het podium. De zanger gaf de andere artiesten ook een spotlight momenten, persoonlijk vind ik dit heel fijn om te zien aangezien een band meer is dan alleen de frontman. Ook zodra de eerste noten begonnen te klinken begon het steeds voller en voller te lopen met…
Read more: Nephylim live @ Into The Grave (07.06.2024)
- Ziggurath EP Release
On june 8th, Ziggurath released their EP Astral Excorcism. A weird combination of Egyptian inspired black death’n roll, Astral Exorcism makes for an interesting listening session. Check it out on Spotify and check out the pictures our photographer Abyssal Void made for us below.
- Graveland Festival – Day 1
Graveland Festival is the place to be if you’re into (underground) death and black metal. This year’s headliners are well worth the 99 euro for a two-day festival. This years’ line-up includes Tiamat, Carcass, Dool, Necrophobic, Tsjuder and Wolves in the Throne Room, besides of course a lot of other bands and even some local legends. Jose was there for us to take some pictures and give us his impression of the festival. The nice thing about Graveland is that it has only one stage, so you don’t have to choose which bands you want to see. That means that…
Read more: Graveland Festival – Day 1
- Crazed live @P3, Purmerend
Last night, Loyalty Ends Here presented their debut EP ‘Darkest Red’. They invited a couple of the friends to join them on stage. Crazed had the honor to open the night. Check out some of our pictures of their performance below
- Metal Jam Presents
Last weekend, another edition of The Metal Jam Presents was held in Wormerveer. Gutslasher, HESKEN and Black Rabbit took the stage on Saturday May 11th to raise hell in De Groote Weiver. Check out some of the pictures our photographer Rodhni took. Make sure to follow him on @abyssalvoid_photo
- Plaguefest Volume 2
After the first edition of Plaguefest in Manifesto Hoorn, in honor of the Man As Plague album release last year, it was time for a second one. On friday the 10th of May, Loyalty Ends Here, Dauthuz, Man As Plague and the Belgian metalheads from Temptations for the Weak partied with the crowd in Manifesto, Hoorn. We were there to take some pictures and give these bands a listen. Loyalty Ends Here Find all pictures here The guys from Loyalty Ends Here have been working hard since they won the Wacken Metal Battle last year. They didn’t get to play…
Read more: Plaguefest Volume 2
- Man As Plague live @ Plaguefest
Man As Plague organized Plaguefest, so there was no way they weren’t performing at their own gig. No one stands still at a Man As Plague gig!
- DeathNight at ACU, Utrecht
Two weeks ago on May 3rd, ACU Utrecht hosted a sold-out deathmetal night with Anapoda, Ecocide, Gutslasher and Rectum Stretchers. Seth was there to take some pictures, so we can re-live the moment! Check all the pictures below this post. Pictures made by Seth (@sethpicturesmusic) Rectum Stretchers … with a name like that, you know what you can expect. Nasty, nasty music, deafening goregrind. They haven’t released any music on Spotify yet, but they have been around a while. Their next gig will be June 22nd in Dordrecht, so if you need to destroy your eardrums, head over to their…
Read more: DeathNight at ACU, Utrecht
- Dauthuz live @ Plague Fest vol. 2
Dutch Death Metal certainly isn’t dead! These guys bring the deep growls, the nasty riffs and all the good death metal vibes. Check them out on Spotify. Pictures of their latest gig during Plague Fest are on the website now.
- Loyalty Ends Here @ Plaguefest vol.2
Dutch Metalcore band Loyalty Ends Here were last years winner of the Wacken Metal Battle Netherlands. In a week, they will drop their debut EP ‘The Darkest Red’. We got a preview of what their new tracks will sound like during Plaguefest last weekend. Get your tickets for their EP release here and make sure to pre-save “The Darkest Red”!
- HESKEN live @ Wacken Metal Battle Finals
After a succesful album release earlier this year, HESKEN was back on stage during the break at the Wacken Metal Battle finals. They showed everyone why thy were last years finalists with an impressive show. Even more impressive was the fact that 2Destroy drummer Marc learned to play the entire setlist 1,5 week before this gig. Wow! If you haven’t heard Architect of Chaos yet, check it out on Spotify!
- Inherited live @ Wacken Metal Battle Finals
These guys are young, full of energy and without any hesitation they climbed the stage and ROCKED it. Even before they started playing, the crowd was going wild. Their added energy made for a great show, and the pictures only tell half the tale. Check out some of the videos we posted on our Instagram page for this as well. Oh, and stay tuned, because the interview with these guys will follow next week!
- Baas live @Wacken Metal Battle Finals
Baas was the second band to enter the battlefield during the Wacken Metal Battle finals. They got the crowd going and put on a great show. Check out the videos online, or check the footage from 44NextDoor to see what they sound like live! Sadly they didn’t win, but make sure to check out their music if you haven’t yet, ’cause they are finalists for a reason!
- I’ll Get By live @Wacken Metal Battle finals
The Wacken Metal Battle finals were a lot of fun. I’ll Get By literally kicked of the night by putting on an energetic live performance. In case you missed it, we did an interview with all the finalists as well! Check that out here: Check out the pictures we took here
- Anchilly live @NH Metalfest IV
Anchillys started out as a solo project, but has since then formed a complete band an performed at various gigs throughout the Netherlands. Currently the band is working on new music and perfecting their stage performance. I didn’t get too many good shots, but at least you can clearly see the lessons in headbanging we got from these guys.
- Funeral Whore live @NH Metalfest IV
Even though the lighting was really challenging (and I messed up my camera settings) I managed to get some pics of the first-in-a-while show from death metal band Funeral Whore. Check m out here.
- Arising Rebellion Live @NH Metalfest IV
Arising Rebellion played their first gig ever at NH Metalfest IV. We were there to take some pictures and write a short review about the night. Check out the review here.
- Aum Zorion live @NH Metalfest
Not too many pictures, because I didn’t get my camera settings right for this event. However, it’s still a decent impression !
- Defazer live @ Lazaru’s, Leiden
- Beyond The Pale album release show
- Nafearya Live @ Metalcafe Live (Vorstin, Hilversum)
- Azrael Live @ Wacken Metal Battle Preliminary Noord Holland
Click on the pictures for the full-size picture!
- Titan live @ Wacken Metal Battle Preliminary
- Canyon Literature Live @ Wacken Metal Battle Utrecht
- I’ll Get By live @ Wacken Metal Battle Utrecht
this wasn’t my best photo session but still some pictures of the winner of the night!
- Domspringer live @ Wacken Metal Battle Utrecht
- Mountain Eye – 2 feb 2024 – Metalcafe
- Reformist – 2 feb 2024 – Metalcafe
- Epistulum – 2 feb 2024 – Metalcafe Live
- Ecocide Release Party (28 okt 2023)
- 7 juli 2023 – The Metal Jam – Flamekeeper