
Sayas – There where the light Remains

Sayas is a groovy, progressive-y, death metal band from Enschede. They have two tracks to their name so far, with ‘There where the light remains’ being the latest. They released this track on Spotify, while a videoclip for the track was released on Youtube simultaneously. Check it out online!


Sayas – There where the light remains


De Stoeptegels

[{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 63 equals=””][/if 63]nnn

De Stoeptegels

nHailing from: Eindhoven
nGenre: Party Grindpunk

Links to other sites:

nSpotify playlist:
nn[if 59 not_equal=””][/if 59]nn


n[55]n“},{“box”:1,”content”:”<img src=” [if 48 not_like=””][/if 48]n nn

De Stoeptegels

nHailing from: EindhovennGenre: Party Grindpunkn

Links to other sites:

n[if 47 not_equal=””]Website [/if 47]n[if 62 not_equal=””]Facebook [/if 62]n[if 53 not_equal=””]Instagram[/if 53]n[if 58 not_equal=””]Youtube[/if 58]n[if 56 not_equal=””]Spotify[/if 56]n[if 57 not_equal=””]Bandcamp[/if 57]nn[if 59 not_equal=””]nSpotify playlist:n[/if 59] nn[if 99 not_equal=””]<n[/if 99]nn”},{“box”:2,”content”:”



De Stoeptegels is a 4-piece punkband from Eindhoven, The Netherlands. They combine humor, with a fast-paced and heavy instrumental sound. When you want a party, you hire De Stoeptegels, for a guaranteed night of chaos, sell-out of your alcoholic drinks, and a lot of moshpits.

nn[if 54 not_equal=””]<img src=[/if 54]n[if 118 not_equal=””]<img src=[/if 118]nnn

Upcoming Gigs


30/06/2024 at
nSee all upcoming events“}]

Interviews News

Gutslasher – We hebben het al gemaakt (interview)

(English below)

Op zaterdag 11 mei zat ik met Gutslasher op de bank in de Grootte Weiver, net voor hun 2e optreden. Helaas is de audio van het filmpje mislukt dus moeten we het doen met een geschreven interview. We spraken de gasten over de opleving van de metalscene en hun inspiratie. Voor een impressie van hun optreden, chec de foto’s, of de aftermovie van de avond. Het volledige interview staat wel op Youtube, mocht je dat toch graag willen horen. Het filmpje vind je onderaan deze post.

We doen even een heel kort voorstelrondje. Wie ben je en wat doe je? 

Colin: Wij zijn Gutslasher, we spelen oldschool death metal. Ik ben Colin en ik ben de drummer.

Stefan: Ik ben Stefan, ik ben de vocalist en ik maak gootsteengeluiden en ik speel gitaar.

Miguel : Ik ben Miguel en ik speel bas.

Bram: Ik ben Bram en ik speel leadgitaar in Gutslasher. 

Vorige week was jullie debuut optreden in Utrecht. Hoe was dat? 

Colin: Dat was echt een super leuk optreden. Het was ook uitverkocht, super bedankt daarvoor. En al die bands waren gewoon geweldig. Qua geluid, maar ook gewoon super aardige gasten. We zijn daar ook super goed ontvangen. Er werd veel gemosht, dus wat kan je nog meer wensen voor een debuut show.

Stefan: Dit was beyond our wildest dreams. We begonnen met een wat langzamer nummer, toen stond de hele zaal al te headbangen, toen hadden we al zoiets van ‘what the hell’. We hadden dezelfde dag nog een demo gedropt, blijkbaar heeft iedereen die geluisterd. En het tweede nummer was een wat sneller nummer en toen brak er een pit uit en die hield de hele show gewoon aan. Dus we waren echt flabbergasted. Dus iedereen enorm bedankt voor die energie, dat hadden we echt niet durven dromen.

Miguel: ik denk dat Colin en Stefan het al goed samenvatten. We hadden niets beters durven dromen. Moshpits, crowdsurfers, wall of death zelfs, dat hadden we echt niet verwacht.

Bram: Waar we vooral mee zaten was hoe reageert het publiek erop. En ja, dat heeft fantastisch uitgepakt. Het ging echt top. 

Hadden jullie voor dit optreden met Gutslasher ook al podiumervaring? 

Colin: de enige ervaring die ik had, was de metaljam. Daar heb ik wel vaak gejamd. Voor de rest eigenlijk niet. Dus dit was een beetje een sprong in het diepe.

Bram: Ik heb met andere bandjes wel vaker live gespeeld. Maar ik heb zeker als gitarist nog nooit in een deathmetal band gezeten. Dus het was zeker new territory voor mij.

Miquel: ik heb wel eerder op het podium gestaan, ik heb ook in een coverbandje gezeten. Ik wilde eigenlijk heel lang in een metalband spelen en dat is nu eindelijk gelukt.

Stefan: Het is voor mij echt heel lang terug dat ik een show heb gespeeld met een band. Ik heb op de metaljam wel heel vaak lopen klooien, maar de laatste keer dat ik met een band opgetreden had was 2018. Dus ik had ook geen idee wat ik moest verwachten na zo’n lange tijd. Dus voor mijn gevoel hebben we dit ook helemaal doodgeoefend. We hebben echt zitten hamere op strakheid, het moet goed overkomen, energiek overkomen. En blijkbaar heeft dat zn vruchten afgeworpen. 

Julie eerste demo staat online, Gallery of Gore. Qua titel deed het mij meteen denken aan Cannibal Corpse. Is dat ook de richting die jullie op willen met Gutslasher? 

Unaniem: Ja 🙂 

Is Cannibal Corpse dan ook een van jullie main invloeden?

Bram: voor mij wel in ieder geval. Colin: Ik probeer in mn drum ook wel van die grooves te verwerken. Ik probeer ook dingen uit Sepultura te pakken, ook uit het hardcore genre, en ook thrashmetal. Ik heb eigenlijk heel veel invloeden. En dat probeer ik dan een beetje te deathmetalizeren. Cannibal Corpse is natuurlijk DE deathmetalband. EIgenlijk als je dan een andere band pakt, die hebben ook weer inspiratie opgedaan van Cannibal Corpse. Dus eigenlijk komt het altijd weer bij Cannibal Corpse terug. 

Luisteren jullie dan ook wel eens naar Nederlandse Deathmetal? Jullie speelden natuurlijk met Ecocide op jullie debuut optreden.

Stefan: Ja, zeker. Ik heb ook altijd heel veel Pestilence geluisterd, dat is natuurlijk wel meteen een van de grote jongens. Muziek is natuurlijk ieders eigen ervaring. Voor mij hangt Pestilence ook een beetje aan Death. Dat is ook wel iets wat we proberen erin te verwerken maar ik weet niet of dat meteen terug te horen is. Gutslasher is wel veel lomper dan dat. 

Voordat jullie je eerste gig speelden, hadden jullie al het hele plaatje compleet. Vette fotoshoot, demo online, vette merch, met patches en shirts. Hoe belangrijk is dat, dat je dit allemaal goed geregeld hebt voordat je gaat spelen. 

Bram: Als we iets doen, dan doen we het gelijk 100%, dat is wel ons motto denk ik. We willen het goed doen. En als metalband moet je patches hebben. Dat is zo’n ongeschreven regel eigenlijk.

Stefan: ik denk dat we ook veel geleerd hebben van andere bands. We hebben heel veel rondgekeken van hoe andere bands dingen aanpakken. Een band als Headless Hunter is bijvoorbeeld een band  waar ik stiekem een beetje tegenop kijk. Als je kijkt naar hoe die dat doen, qua merch en social media, ook hoe je het spreid en hoe je het verdeeld, dat is belangrijk. En veder is het een beetje balanceren, je moet wel iets goeds uitbrengen, maar je moet er ook niet te lang op broeden, want anders wordt het weer zo’n 8 jaren project. 

Over liedjes gesproken, jullie hebben nu net een demo uitgebracht. Komt er binnenkort meer aan? Hoeveel liedjes hebben jullie eigenlijk al?

Colin: In principe hebben we een hele setlist, waaronder een cover. Qua muziek zijn we ook nog bezig met opnemen, we zijn aan het werken naar een EP. Dat wordt ook echt een goed gemixt en gemasterde EP, zodat we ook meteen goed binnenkomen. Met die demo kunnen mensen een beetje zien wat ze van ons kunnen verwachten. En we blijven natuurlijk verder schrijven. 

Jullie zijn allemaal nog best wel jong. Heb je het idee dat de metalscene weer een beetje begint te leven? 

Colin: Vooral met zo’n initiatief als de metaljam zie je dat helemaal opbloeien weer. Bands zoals Violent Silence, Rectum Stretchers, dat zijn allemaal jonge gasten en ik denk dat dat ook deels door de Metaljam komt. Ik zie steeds meer jonge gasten bands vormen, en naar shows komen, en dat is gewoon geweldig. De connecties die mensen vormen in al die groepsapps is echt heel erg leuk, het bloeit echt weer op.

Stefan: Dat is ook een ding van deze tijd, heel veel gaat online ook, via whatsappgroepen. Instagram ook, heel veel metalbands zitten op Instagram. Het volgt elkaar allemaal. Dat is ook iets waarvan ik vroeger dacht, met al die kleurtjes, is dat wel metal. Maar eigenlijk is het heel belangrijk. In de oude scene ging er ergens een postertje op de muur in het cafe en dan hoopte je dat mensen dat zagen, en nu gaat dat allemaal online. En ik denk dat dat er ook wel voor zorgt dat metalheads elkaar sneller ontdekken, ook jonge metalheads. 

Laatste vraag. Wat is de droom voor Gutslasher

Bram: Het is sowieso m’n droom om van muziek m’n werk te kunnen maken. Touren, opnemen, live spelen,

Miguel: Voor mij hetzelfde, met goeie bands samen spelen en op festivals staan. Stefan: Het is misschien een beetje een zweverig antwoord, maar ik ben eigenlijk al heel blij met waar we nu zijn. Als je kijkt wat we eigenlijk in een half jaar al hebben bereikt, ik ben eigenlijk heel benieuwd waar dat heen gaat. Ik laat me verassen, we gaan het zien.

Colin: Wat Stefan ook zegt, ik ben heel blij met waar we staan. Maar ik denk wel dat er zeker nog hele leuke dingen aan kunnen komen. Het is ook echt wel de droom om op een festival te staan, in het buitenland spelen, toeren, dat lijkt me super leuk. Maar in essentie, weet je, hier staan, dan heb je het al gemaakt. Dan ben je er al. We zien wel waar het schip strand. 

Als je Gutslasher nog niet gecheckt heb, volg ze dan op hun socials en check hun eerste demo op Spotify. Stay tuned voor meer over deze band! 

English Version

On Saturday, May 11, I sat down with Gutslasher on the couch at Grootte Weiver, right before their second performance. Unfortunately, the audio from the video didn’t work, so we had to rely on a written interview. We talked to the guys about the revival of the metal scene and their inspiration. For an impression of their performance, check out the photos. The after movie of the evening will also be online soon.

Let’s start with a brief introduction. Who are you and what do you do?

Colin: We are Gutslasher, we play old-school death metal. I’m Colin and I’m the drummer.

Stefan: I’m Stefan, I’m the vocalist, I make guttural sounds, and I play guitar.

Miguel: I’m Miguel, and I play bass.

Bram: I’m Bram, and I play lead guitar in Gutslasher.

Last week was your debut performance in Utrecht. What was that like?

Colin: That was a really great show. It was sold out, so thank you very much for that. All the bands were just awesome. In terms of sound, but also just super nice guys. We were really well received there. There was a lot of moshing, so what more could you wish for a debut show?

Stefan: This was beyond our wildest dreams. We started with a slower song, and the whole room was already headbanging, so we were like ‘what the hell’. We had just dropped a demo that day, and apparently, everyone listened to it. The second song was a faster one, and a pit broke out that lasted the whole show. So we were really flabbergasted. Thanks so much for that energy, we never could have dreamed of that.

Miguel: I think Colin and Stefan summed it up well. We couldn’t have dreamed of anything better. Mosh pits, crowd surfers, even a wall of death, we really didn’t expect that.

Bram: Our main concern was how the audience would react. And yeah, it turned out fantastic. It went really great.

Did you have any stage experience with before this performance Gutslasher?

Colin: The only experience I had was the metal jam. I jammed there often. Otherwise, not really. So this was a bit of a leap into the deep end.

Bram: I’ve played live with other bands before. But I’ve never been in a death metal band as a guitarist, so it was definitely new territory for me.

Miguel: I have been on stage before, I was also in a cover band. I’ve wanted to play in a metal band for a long time, and now that’s finally happened.

Stefan: It’s been a really long time since I played a show with a band. I fooled around a lot at the metal jam, but the last time I performed with a band was in 2018. So I had no idea what to expect after such a long time. I feel like we really practiced this to death. We really hammered on tightness, it had to come across well, come across energetically. And apparently, that paid off.

Your first demo, Gallery of Gore, is online. The title immediately made me think of Cannibal Corpse. Is that the direction you want to go with Gutslasher?

Unanimously: Yes 🙂

Is Cannibal Corpse one of your main influences?

Bram: For me, at least.

Colin: I try to incorporate those grooves into my drumming. I also try to take things from Sepultura, the hardcore genre, and thrash metal. I actually have a lot of influences. And I try to “deathmetalize” that a bit. Cannibal Corpse is, of course, THE death metal band. If you look at other bands, they were also inspired by Cannibal Corpse. So it always comes back to Cannibal Corpse.

Do you also listen to Dutch death metal? You played with Ecocide at your debut performance.

Stefan: Yes, definitely. I’ve always listened to a lot of Pestilence, which is, of course, one of the big names. Music is everyone’s own experience. For me, Pestilence is also a bit related to Death. That’s something we try to incorporate, but I don’t know if it’s immediately noticeable. Gutslasher is a lot more brutal than that.

Before your first gig, you already had the whole package complete. Cool photoshoot, demo online, cool merch with patches and shirts. How important is it to have this all arranged before you start playing?

Bram: If we do something, we do it 100%, that’s our motto, I think. We want to do it right. And as a metal band, you have to have patches. That’s like an unwritten rule.

Stefan: I think we’ve also learned a lot from other bands. We’ve looked around a lot to see how other bands do things. A band like Headless Hunter is a band I secretly look up to. If you look at how they handle merch and social media, how they spread and distribute it, that’s important. It’s a bit of a balancing act, you have to release something good, but you shouldn’t brood on it for too long, or it becomes an 8-year project.

Speaking of songs, you’ve just released a demo. Is there more coming soon? How many songs do you already have?

Colin: We basically have a whole setlist, including a cover. We’re also working on recording more music, working towards an EP. It’s going to be a well-mixed and mastered EP so we can make a good impression right away. The demo gives people an idea of what to expect from us. And of course, we keep writing.

You’re all quite young. Do you feel like the metal scene is starting to come alive again?

Colin: Especially with initiatives like the metal jam, you see it blooming again. Bands like Violent Silence, Rectum Stretchers, they’re all young guys, and I think that’s partly because of the metal jam. I see more and more young guys forming bands and coming to shows, and that’s just great. The connections people make in all those group chats are really nice; it’s really blossoming again.

Stefan: That’s also a thing of this time, a lot goes online now, via WhatsApp groups. Instagram too, a lot of metal bands are on Instagram. It all follows each other. I used to think, with all those colors, is that metal? But it’s really important. In the old scene, a poster would go up on a café wall, and you’d hope people would see it, and now it’s all online. And I think that helps metalheads discover each other faster, including young metalheads.

Last question. What’s the dream for Gutslasher?

Bram: My dream is definitely to make a living from music. Touring, recording, playing live.

Miguel: The same for me, playing with good bands and performing at festivals.

Stefan: It might sound a bit airy, but I’m already very happy with where we are now. If you look at what we’ve achieved in half a year, I’m really curious where it’s going. I’ll let myself be surprised, we’ll see.

Colin: As Stefan said, I’m very happy with where we are. But I think there are definitely more great things to come. It’s really a dream to play at a festival, to play abroad, to tour, that seems super fun. But essentially, you know, being here means you’ve made it. You’re there. We’ll see where the ship strands.

If you haven’t checked out Gutslasher yet, follow them on their socials and check out their first demo on Spotify. Stay tuned for more about this band!


The Infamous Faceless – Realm of the Fallen


The Infamous Nameless releases debut track

The Infamous Nameless, a newly formed alternative/progressive metal band from Eindhoven just released their debut single ‘Realm of the Fallen’, the first track from their upcoming EP ‘Realise’. Expect melodic riffs, weird timesignatures, heavy screams and a whole lot of interesting riffs! Check it out on Spotify now.

You can find The Infamous Nameless on Facebook.


Another Now – HEX out now

We had posted a few of their tracks allready, but HEX is finally out now. This is the second album by the band, and another 45 min of pure chaos for us to enjoy. Heavy, melodic, breakdowns, electronic influences, growls, we’ve got it all. Personal favorite so far is Daydreamer, besides the tracks we’ve already heard before. Stay tuned for a full review!


Can Abyss

[{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 63 equals=””][/if 63]nnn

Can Abyss

nHailing from: Tilburg
nGenre: death

Links to other sites:

nSpotify playlist:
nn[if 59 not_equal=””][/if 59]nn


n[55]n“},{“box”:1,”content”:”<img src=” [if 48 not_like=””][/if 48]n nn

Can Abyss

nHailing from: TilburgnGenre: deathn

Links to other sites:

n[if 47 not_equal=””]Website [/if 47]n[if 62 not_equal=””]Facebook [/if 62]n[if 53 not_equal=””]Instagram[/if 53]n[if 58 not_equal=””]Youtube[/if 58]n[if 56 not_equal=””]Spotify[/if 56]n[if 57 not_equal=””]Bandcamp[/if 57]nn[if 59 not_equal=””]nSpotify playlist:n[/if 59] nn[if 99 not_equal=””]<n[/if 99]nn”},{“box”:2,”content”:”



Founded in Tilburg in 1994 Can Abyss returns with a mix of various styles of metal, without feeling restricted to a specific genre celebrating their 30 year anniversary. After several changes in the line-up the band consists out of a tight group of friends with the same mission. All faces are pointing in the same direction to take over the stage. The torturing of the guitars is executed by Marco and Edwin. The rhythm section is a combination of the rambling bass played by Richard who also concentrates on the vocals and Tedje who beats the drums. The last accomplishment of Can Abyss is the YouTube-release “The Twisted Recordings”. Now the band unleashes their new album called “Dedication”. Dedication to our music, long gone friends and each other. Can Abyss keeps on working on new material and preparing themselves for the future. The new album, complete with new flashing video’s and playing tight shows is where the band is concentrated on.

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Upcoming Gigs


No Entries Found
nSee all upcoming events“}]

News Reviews

Loyalty Ends Here EP Release (18 mei)

Loyalty Ends Here has been working hard on the release of their debut EP. Since winning the Metal Battle last year, they have been playing all over the country. Meanwhile they still found time to record and complete their first release. It was officially launched during their EP Release party on May 18th with performances with friends from Crazed, None Shall Fall, Man As Plague and Changing Tides. 

See all pictures below the text!


The night opened with Crazed. This band from Utrecht plays groovy metal, bringing back the 90’s with their sound. It was still pretty early when they started because with 5 bands playing, there was a strict time-table the band had to comply with. Even without a massive moshpit in front of the stage (even though the band asked for it), they still gave it their all on stage. It was also the farewell gig with drummer Eddo. Even though he’s leaving the band, he did do the recordings for the bands upcoming EP, which will be released later this year.  The band played some new tracks that EP as well. We’ve got to say, those new tracks sound good! It’s a bit heavier than what we were used too with this band, so stay tuned for that! 

None Shall Fall

None Shall Fall are somewhat of a local hero in the region, and well known for their energetic and positive stage performance. Besides some of their well-known tracks (This is why we do it, Trapped Inside) they played some of their new tracks as well. This band is also releasing an EP soon, and with their latest releasing already being three years ago it’s due time. The crowd warmed up a bit more by now, so a mini-moshpit started during their performance. Some of the audience were also invited to scream along, and Man As Plague frontman Tim also joined the stage to add some vocals, so it was truely everyone’s party. Because of the strict time-schedule all the bands had to stick too, their final song, in true hardcore style, was cut short. 

Man As Plague

No one stands still at as Man As Plague gig, and the people in the moshpit definately heard that message. This band has been playing in the area a lot lately, so they changed their setlist for this gig so we wouldn’t get bored. Of course they still played Portal and Dolus, but they also put in the less-played Sissyphus, which was a nice change. Man As Plague left a mic on stage for the audience to scream along, and a couple of people made sure their voices were heard. After a while, I think the soundguy turned the volume of that mic way down (or off), but the crowd didn’t mind and screamed in the mic none the less. 

Changing Tides

After a quick change over, it was time for Changing Tides. It was the first time I’ve got to see this band play live. As one of the bigger names in the scene, a succesfull crowdfunding campaign and a victory at the Guts&Glory bandbattle, which earned them a spot at Jera On Air, this band was sure to be a great experience. Changing Tides didn’t dissapoint. Low breakdowns, mean and heavy music, it was a lot of fun to watch these guys on stage. 

Loyalty Ends Here

Time for the main act of the evening; Loyalty Ends Here. The band had been preparing for this show for quite some time, and that shows in the performance. Their set opened with a video projected on a large cover, which of course dropped a few seconds into the first song, Sea of Harlots. The band performed with a click-track and a backing tape, which added a lot to their sound and made sure it was tight. It shows that vocalist Richie has been working on his vocals as well; there’s a lot more power and depth to his vocals now than a few performances ago.

The band made sure their EP release was quite the party. With risers, bouncing balls, lots (and lots!) of laser lights, and some well-timed streamers, the party was complete. Of course, they played all the songs from their latest EP, but they added some still-to-record tracks as well. If you liked the EP, make sure to check them out live to hear more from them. They made sure to thank everyone that helped organize the event, and of course all the other bands as well. In the end, they played the Backstreet Boys, which is very fitting for 5 good looking metalheads. Their music is pretty commercial, so they might indeed be the Dutch Backstreet Boys from the metalcore scene 😉

Check out Loyalty Ends Here EP ‘Darkest Red’ on Spotify.

Make sure to check the video for Deadweight on Youtube as well. And stay tuned for the aftermovie!

Pictures were taken by Abyssal Void.

News Reviews

Beyond the Pale – Monument in Time

Releasedate: 27-04-2024

Beyond The Pale has released their debut called ‘Monument In Time’ and it will definitely be a Monument in Time for this band. The album consists of 7 songs and definitely brings a lot to the table. Let us unpack and serve it to you.

Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale is a band with a history. Originally Jeroen was part of the band as a guitarist. Sadly, during a performance in DB’s on Kingsnight, Jeroen passed away while doing what he loved: making music. This of course was a very traumatic experience for everyone involved. Monument In Time was released on the anniversary of this night, and of course it was also fitting that Jeroen has his place on the cover. But enough about memories, his musical influences are heard throughout the EP. Let the EP be a happy memory of a great musician and person.

A strong start of the album

The album kicks off with the song ‘Liberation Of The Damned’. A very strong start of the album. The song takes you for a spin with juicy riffs and a clear stable layout. There is a bit of repetition in the song which could give you the idea you’ve accidentally replayed the song in the end.

The Age of Pariah is my favorite track of the album. The song is heavy and well written with great contrasting tempo switches. When the band moves from the slower riff to the blast beats, it leaves you wanting more. This is one I’ll add to my list for sure.

Walk The Plank is a slower song. It offers a bit of contrast with the previous two songs. It has a good melody and a few “shout-along” parts. While these would do well live, they don’t really pull you in while you listen this song with headphones or in your car. The backing vocals that back up the lines “Hoist the flag” and “walk the plank” could definitely use extra voices to make it more captivating and enticing.

Storm en Drift

Storm en Drift is a re-recording. The original song was recorded for the benefit album for DB’s, Utrecht, during the pandemic. I was surprised when I noticed that the song was sung in Dutch. This song is definitely stronger in the black metal vibes. The vocals definitely deserve some extra credits in this song. They seem to have more depth and are backed up by some really good screams. That is probably the influence of bassplayer Frank.

Facts and Figures also has a great contrast between slowing down and speeding up. The build-up to the breakdown which moves onto blast beats is great. The dissonant guitar licks that follow after the chugs feel a bit out of place and out of character when you hear the rest of the album.

Payback Is a Bitch is a killer of a track and is a good send-off at the end of the album. The more melodic guitar solo moves well over the heavy guitar riffs. The song makes you automatically bang your head to the beat and the blast beats keep you invested after the slower parts. The outro is slower and has a catchy tune to it. It would’ve been a great ending to the album.

The bonus track is a “remix” of Facts and Figures. In all honesty, I’m not sure what to think of this track. The idea is cool but the way the song is made doesn’t feel like a proper remix. It takes the strength of the song away with a bland beat and odd noises in the background. Once the song gets some “real” drums in the end it becomes better, however I wouldn’t have missed this track if it wasn’t on the album.

Final Thoughts

All in all, as with every album, it has strong and weak points. The songwriting is well done, the guitar and drums sound great, and the vocals have great contrast with clear black metal influences. The songs are interesting and catchy and will definitely move a crowd. ‘The Age of Pariah’ is the strongest track, followed up by ‘Liberation of the Damned’ which in turn is closely followed by ‘Storm en Drift’.


  1. Liberation for the damned
  2. The Age of the Pariah
  3. Walk the Plank
  4. Storm en Drift (re-recording)
  5. Facts and Figures
  6. Payback is a bitch
  7. Facts and Figures — Frost Rimix – Bonus Remix

You can find Beyond the Pale on their website . MetalFromNL did an interview with these guys about their debut EP and more. Check that out here.